Development of new functional foods based on germinated pulses 




Dissemination of the results

Papers published in ISI indexed journals

Aprodu I., Vasilean I., Munteniță C., Patraşcu L. 2019. Impact of broad beans addition on rheological and thermal properties of wheat flour based sourdoughs. Food Chemistry, 293, 520-528 (FI = 5.399).

Patraşcu L.,Vasilean I., Turtoi M., Garnai M., Aprodu I. 2019. Pulses germination as tool for modulating their functionality in wheat flour based sourdough breads. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 11(3), 169-283 (FI = 0.735).

Papers published in journals indexed in international databases

Vasilean I., Circiumaru A, Garnai M, Patraşcu L. 2018. The influence of light wavelength on the germination performance of legumes. The Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle VI Food Technology, 42(2), 108-121. ISSN 1843-5157. Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Vasilean I., Aprodu I., Neculau M., Patraşcu L. 2018. Effect of pulsed light treatment on germination efficiency of pulses. Scientific Papers-Series D-Animal Science, LXI(1), 266-274. ISSN 2285-5750, CABI, Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Abstract published in ISI indexed journal

Patrascu L., Aprodu I., Garnai M., Vasilean I. 2018. Effect of germination and fermentation on the functionality of wheat-pulses flour mixtures. Journal of Biotechnology, 280, S52-S53 (FI = 2.533).

Patrascu L., Vasilean I., Garnai M., Aprodu I. 2019. Study on the utilization of native and germinated legume proteins as food emulsifiers. Journal of Biotechnology, 305, S54 (FI = 3.163).

Participation to international conferences

Vasilean I., Aprodu I., Neculau M., Patraşcu L. 2017. Germination as a tool for enhancing the nutritional value of pulses. The 8th International Symposium EuroAliment – Mutatis mutandis in Food, 7-8 September 2017, Galaţi, Romania (poster)

Patraşcu L. 2017. Rheology – a tool to appreciate technological functional properties of different food systems. International Conference on Polymer Processing in Engineering Conference, 21-23 September 2017, Galaţi, Romania (oral presentation)

Patraşcu L., Aprodu I., Garnai M., Vasilean I. 2018. Effect of germination and fermentation on the functionality of wheat-pulses flour mixtures. European Biotechnology Congress, 26-28 April 2018, Athens, Greece (poster)

Vasilean I., Aprodu I., Neculau M., Patraşcu L. 2018. Effect of pulsed light treatment on germination efficiency of pulses. International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, 7-9 June 2018, Bucharest, Romania (poster)

Vasilean I., Aprodu I., Neculau M., Patraşcu L. 2018. The effect of physical pre-germination treatments on nutritional functionality of pulses. Bioavailability 2018 - Understanding the bioavailability of micronutrients and bioactive compounds for improved public health, September 10-13, 2018, Norwich, UK (poster)

Patrascu L., Vasilean I., Aprodu I. 2018. Impact of broad beans addition on rheological behavior of wheat flour based sourdoughs. The 10th International Conference on Water in Food EuroFoodWater2018, September 19-21, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (oral presentation)

Aprodu I., Vasilean I., Turtoi M., Garnai M., Patrascu L. 2018. Influence of pulsed light pre-treatment on functional properties of germinated legume flours. The 10th International Conference on Water in Food EuroFoodWater2018, September 19-21, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (poster)

Patrascu L., Vasilean I., Garnai M., Aprodu I. 2019. Study on the utilization of native and germinated legume proteins as food emulsifiers. European Biotechnology Congress, 11-13 April 2019, Valencia, Spain (poster)

Patent application registered at OSIM

Patraşcu L., Vasilean I., Aprodu I. Procedeu de obținere a unui produs fermentat din leguminoase germinate și produsul astfel obținut. A00314/08.05.2018